
  • Visiting address: Rauhankatu 17
  • Postal address: P.O.Box 258, FI-00171 Helsinki
  • Telephone: +358 29 533 7000

Opening hours

  • ​​​​​​​Tuesday–Friday 9 am–4 pm (3.6.–31.12.2024)
  • Extended opening hours on Wednesdays from 9 am to 7 pm (4.9.–11.12.2024)
  • The branch and the reading room are closed during holidays. On the eve of a public holiday, the reading room closes at 16.00.
  • The reading room is closed
    • on Midsummer Eve 21.6.
    • 1.–31.7.
    • 3.9.
    • 6.12.
    • 24.–31.12.
Note: The reading room will be closed throughout July.

Delivery of material

  • Material from Rauhankatu is delivered to the reading room until 2:30 pm.
  • Deliveries of material from Siltavuori are made once per day.
  • National Archives' remote loan service is closed 1.6.–31.7.2024.​​​​​​​
The new reading room at Rauhankatu.

Arrival instructions

  • Access through the main door: Enter the gate on Rauhankatu, go up the stairs and turn right. Accessible entrance: From Rauhankatu through the old main door  
  • Public transportation: The nearest local transport stops are on Snellmaninkatu. The nearest metro station is the University of Helsinki.
  • Parking: Along Rauhankatu and Snellmaninkatu; there is also paid parking available in the Kluuvi underground car park.

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The guided route takes you through the old main entrance on the Rauhankatu side to the staircase hall and further up one floor with the lift. There you can find the archive’s customer service point and reading rooms.

The accessible entrance is located on the Rauhankatu side.

The lift has been renovated in the old lift shaft and therefore has a slightly different dimensioning from the recommendation under the Accessibility Regulation, but it still meets the minimum requirement of the accessibility standard. The door opening is 800 mm wide, and the body has the following dimensions: 1,000 × 1,110 × 2,100 mm (width × depth × height). The lift has doors on both ends.

The interior of the building is not accessible. It is possible to move around the research facilities without help, but you may need help to get to the exhibition rooms, lecture halls and the cafeteria, for example. There is an accessible toilet on the same floor as the reading room. Guide dogs are allowed.


  • lunch café (open 8 am to 14.30 pm Mon–Fri)
    • note: the restaurant is also open in July, although the reading room is closed
  • break room
  • cloakroom
  • luggage lockers
The National Archives is a smoke-free and fragrance-free agency.


The basement exhibition space houses a Masonic exhibition produced by the Grand Lodge of Finland. The exhibition is open and free of charge to all. From 15 May to 15 September, the exhibition is open from Tuesday to Friday from 12 to 15.00. on 21st June and in July the exhibition is closed.


The guided route takes you through the old main entrance on the Rauhankatu side to the staircase hall and further up one floor with the lift. There you can find the archive’s customer service point and reading rooms.

The lift has been renovated in the old lift shaft and therefore has a slightly different dimensioning from the recommendation under the Accessibility Regulation, but it still meets the minimum requirement of the accessibility standard. The door opening is 800 mm wide, and the body has the following dimensions: 1,000 × 1,110 × 2,100 mm (width × depth × height). The lift has doors on both ends.

The interior of the building is not accessible. It is possible to move around the research facilities without help, but you may need help to get to the exhibition rooms, lecture halls and the cafeteria, for example. There is an accessible toilet on the same floor as the reading room. Guide dogs are allowed.

The accessible entrance is located on the Rauhankatu side.