Price list 2024

Documents subject to public law – certificates


1. Certificate (EUR)
The data content of a certificate, drafted on basis of documents, such as genealogy, is based on its intended use. 38.00

If identical certificates are ordered for different purposes, the price for the original certificate will be charged for all certificates.

If the certificate is delivered at the customer's request in multiple different ways (e.g., via mail and email) or to multiple different addresses, no additional charges will be incurred separately for this.

2. Certified copies (EUR)
First page 25.20
Each following page 3.85
3. Certified, rewritten facsimile, excerpt or extract of document (EUR)
Per page 40.30
A double fee will be charged for documents with a source language other than Finnish or Swedish.
4. Other fees (EUR)
Invoicing fee 5.50
Customers will be charged for additional postage services, such as COD.

Additional information

  • Prices are based on the Decree on fees of the National Archives (1149/2023) issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • The services listed in items 1 and 3 will be delivered in four weeks (section 23.1, Administrative Procedure Act, 434/2003). The services listed in item 2 will be delivered within two weeks, for regular requests, and within one month at the most, for requests requiring special measures (section 14, Act on the Openness of Government Activities, 621/1999.
  • No VAT shall be charged for documents subject to public law. Rectification of decisions pertaining to fees for documents subject to public law can be sought within six months from the date of the decision, in accordance with the provisions in the Administrative Procedure Act.

Remote loans

1. Documents sent by post (archive boxes, bound material, acts, microfilms) (EUR)
The batches are sent as packages of max. 25 kg
Per package (max. 25 kg), one-way 25.20
Per package (max. 25 kg), two-way 38.00
2. Documents sent as freight
The transport company will invoice the customer for the shipping cots.
3. Conversion to digital format instead of remote loan (EUR)
Conversion to digital format (hourly rate) (or) based on agreement, for each starting period of 30 minutes 55.00
4. Other fees (EUR)
Handling fee 5.50
Invoicing fee upon invoicing 5.50

Additional information

  • Prices are based on the Decree on fees of the National Archives (1149/2023) issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • The delivery time for loans between archives or libraries is one month maximum, apart from loans subject to queues.
  • No VAT shall be charged for documents subject to public law.
  • Rectification of decisions pertaining to fees for documents subject to public law can be sought within six months from the date of the decision, in accordance with the provisions in the Administrative Procedure Act.

Services provided on the basis of the act on openness of government activities

Normal information requests

1. Normal information requests / library copying service (EUR/page)
File or paper copy of a document (EUR per page) Price list section 2 indicates the documents, for which the copying fee is document-specific, not based on pages.
Max. size of the original A3 1.10
Larger sizes (if the unit has the necessary equipment), max. width 90 cm 12.90
2. File or paper copy of a document upon an order (EUR per order)
 In the case of an information request requiring special measures, costs arising from finding information will also be charged (see Section 3)
Vehicle information (individual piece of information) 3.70
Prenuptial agreement 6.80
Service card 16.80
Death certificate 3.70
Estate inventory deed 11.60
War child (child sent abroad during the war) 3.70
Identity card of the civil guard 3.70

Information requests requiring special measures

3. Search fee and/or cost of removing confidential sections; cost added to the facsimile fee (EUR)
No fee for first 30 min.
The fee will be charged for each starting period of 30 minutes thereafter. 26.00
4. Finding information and a file or paper copy of a document upon an order (EUR per document)
Investigation of the first registration number of a vehicle 29.40
Ownership history of a vehicle 36.80
5. Other fees (EUR)

Other fees will be charged per order

Handling fee; always charged for information requests upon an order. 5.50
Invoicing fee 5.50
Additional COD fee 4.90
Additional fee for delivery by registered letter 7.50

Additional information

  • Prices are based on the decree on fees of the National Archives (1149/2023) issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • Regular information requests will be delivered within one month and information requests requiring special measures will be delivered within two months (section 21 b of the Archives Act, 831/1994, 1146/2016). If the request concerns a matter under consideration by another authority or pertains to the rights, interests or obligations of a natural person or a legal person, the copies will be delivered within two weeks or one month at the most, respectively (section 14 of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities). No VAT is charged for services subject to the Act on the Openness of Government Activities. If the party liable to pay finds that there has been an error as defined in section 34 of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999) in the issuance of a fee under the Act on Criteria for Charges Payable to the State (150/1992), said party can request rectification from the authority charging the fee within six months from the date of setting of the charge. Complaints against a decision on the request for rectification can be placed as defined in the Administrative Procedure Act by submitting an appeal to a competent Administrative Court as defined in section 12 of the Act. The Administrative Court’s decision cannot be appealed.

Business services – additional and special copying services

Additional and special copying services

1. Digitisation on electronic media EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
(high quality, maximum original size A0, delivery only at Rauhakatu 17 in Helsinki)
Digitisation as hourly-paid work (EUR per hour) 46.90 58.86
There is a separate charge for storage media (see the appendix below).
2. Supervision fee EUR per hour per person (VAT 0 %) EUR per per hour per person (VAT 25.5 %)
When using an external facsimile service 46.90 58.86
The minimum charge is one hour
3. Other fees EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
Other fees will be charged per order
Handling fee; always charged for information requests upon an order. 5.50 6.90
Invoicing fee 5.50 6.90
Additional COD fee 4.90 6.15
Additional fee for delivery by registered letter 7.50 9.41
Please note: no VAT is charged for COD and the registering of letters according to the current price list of Posti.

Additional information

  • The prices are based on Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture on fees of the National Archives (1149/2023).
  • Business services will be delivered within two months (section 21 b of the Archives Act).
  • Disputes pertaining to fees of business services will be processed as civil cases by a District Court. Claim for correction instructions (The link will open in a new window.)

Business services – other services

Other services

Prices without and with tax.

1. File or paper copy of a document stored behind a paywall EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
Max. size of the original A3 1.10 1.38
Invoicing is based on agreements. Oher invoicing criteria may also apply to agreements.
2. Fee covering the cost of finding information and/or removing confidential sections; cost will be added to the facsimile fee EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
For each starting period of 30 minutes 31.10 39.03
Invoicing is based on agreements.
3. Disclosure of confidential personal documents (e.g. service cards) in the research room, when the order or use involves over 20 personal documents EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
For each starting period of 30 minutes after 20 personal documents or based on agreement 26.00 32.63
Invoicing is based on agreements.
4. Research enquiries EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
For each starting period of 30 minutes 35.00 43.93
5. Training services EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
Prices for each course are given in the National Archives’ training programme published annually on the website of the National Archives of Finland. Those who submit their cancellation less than one week before the beginning of a course will be charged 50% of the course fee. Those not attending a course without notification or an acceptable reason will be charged the full course fee. Processing and invoicing fees will be added to prices during invoicing.
Ordered training (EUR per day) 1 670.00 2 095.85
Lectures (EUR per 45 minutes) 236.30 296.56
Travel expenses connected to ordered training will be charged separately.
Training services are always subject to written agreement.
Processing fee 5.50 6.90
Invoicing fee 5.50 6.90
6. Consulting services (EUR per hour) EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
Consulting per starting hour 153.30 192.39
Travel expenses are charged separately.
A written agreement for consultations must always be made.
7. Chargeable material management services EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
A written agreement on the service must always be made.
Material sorting, description and digitisation (EUR per hour)
Project management 152.50 191.39
Planning and management of material transfers (projects) 87.10 109.31
Managing project work 62.60 78.56
Sorting and description of materials 46.90 58.86
Digitisation of materials 46.90 58.86
Preparation of digitisation 46.90 58.86
Supervision of archive transfers (storage subject to a charge, EUR per hour per person) 46.90 58.86
Costs for materials, supplies, screening, transport, etc. will be separately charged (see Appendix).
Material storage subject to a fee (EUR per shelf metre per month) 1.95 2.45
Storage of electronic documents for a fee is agreed separately.
Invoicing for storage of materials in electronic form is subject to agreement.
Backup microfilm archives
Processing of microfilm backup copies (EUR per hour) 46.90 58.86
Material costs will be charged separately.
8. Loans to government agencies EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
Processing fee for loans to government agencies (EUR per hour) 46.90 58.86
For each starting period of 30 minutes 25.80 32.38
Shipment fees when loaned microfilms or documents are sent by mail; per parcel (max. 15 kg), one direction 25.80 32.38
In the case of larger deliveries, the hauling company will charge the freight charges directly from the customer.
9. Chargeable transfer services EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
Offline transfer of digital material from the authorities (EUR/h, for each starting period of 30 minutes) 35.00 43.93
Transfer and return of material from congregations (EUR/h, for each starting period of one hour) 70.00 87.85
Invoicing is based on agreements.
10. Loaning documents for exhibitions EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
Processing fee for loans for exhibitions (EUR per hour) 103.40 129.77
Processing fee for loans for exhibitions, minimum charge 99.20 124.50
The price includes the processing of the exhibition loan application and an assessment of the condition of the documents. The borrower will be obligated to pay for insurance and transport costs of the exhibition loans. A written agreement must be made before documents can be borrowed.
11. Research room deliveries of materials in storage subject to a charge EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
Fee per delivery (1–6 units) 14.00 17.57
Invoicing is based on agreements.
12. Use of facilities (lecture room and conference facilities) EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
National Archives, Helsinki, Rauhankatu (EUR per day) 437.40 548.94
National Archives, Helsinki, Rauhankatu (EUR per half day) 223.80 280.87
Other offices 190.90 239.58
Minimum charge 103.30 129.64
13. Group presentations EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
Pedagogical presentations are offered free of charge.
Non-pedagogical presentations (EUR per presentation) (max 20 pers.) 157.50 197.66
14. Publications
Prices for the publications are mentioned in a separate price list. The prices include a handling fee and an invoicing fee when billed, as well as postage.
15. Supervision fees (EUR per hour per person) EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
Supervision of filming or events at office 70.60 88.60
Supervision of filming or events at offices after 4:00 pm 96.50 121.11
16. Other fees EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 24 %)
Handling fee 5.50 6.90
Invoicing fee 5.50 6.90

Additional information

  • Prices are based on the decree on fees of the National Archives (1149/2023) issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • Disputes pertaining to fees of business services will be processed as civil cases by a District Court.

Appendix to price list (price list – materials and separate services as fee-based services)

Supply/separate service

1. USB Flash drive EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
  5.00 6.28
2. Archival boxes EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
A4 2,5–8 cm 2.60 3.26
A4 10 cm 3.00 3.77
Foil 2,5–6 cm 2.90 3.64
Foil 8–10 cm 3.50 4.39
Prices of custom-sized boxes as per the supplier’s price list
3. Archival boxes (horizontal) EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
A4 and foil 2.60 3.26
Prices of custom-sized boxes as per the supplier's price list
4. Protective paper EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
A4 folded, 200/sheets 37.50 47.06
Foil folded, 200/sheets 44.20 55.47
A4 unfolded, 250/sheets 62.50 78.44
Foil unfolded, 250/sheets 71.20 89.36
5. Device usage fees in connection with contractual digitisation EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 25.5 %)
Document scanner (EUR per month) 964.50 1 210.45
Book scanner (EUR per month) 1 134.50 1 435.09
6. Charges for destruction and transport of materials
Will be determined based on the sum invoiced by the service provider.
7. Storage media costs in connection with the handover of private archives (EUR per shelf metre) EUR (VAT 0 %) EUR (VAT 24 %)
  44.70 56.10

Additional information

  • Prices are based on the decree on fees of the National Archives (1149/2023) issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • Charges for materials and equipment rents are connected to the provision of other fee-based services. The prices have been determined based on commercial criteria.