The renewed website of the National Archives – materials are now easier to find

The contents are divided into three themes.
We have renewed the website of the National Archives. We made the website structure clearer and improved its usability based on customer workshops and feedback.
The contents are divided into two themes: explore materials and about us.
- How, where and when can you explore our archives? You can find answers to these in the Explore materials section as well as the digital services of the National Archives, opening hours of reading rooms and the price list.
- The About us section tells you about the National Archives as an organisation.
The index for each section has a search bar for the site’s contents.
The front page is kept for current topics. The Magazine section following the news highlights contains a collection of topical links and subject matters. After these, you can find changing highlighted themes.
As a new feature, each page has a search bar at the top, with which you can search for materials and datasets directly from the Astia service. Clicking the search bar will open a view that has quick search words and links tailored ready for your use. You can close this view by clicking the cross icon.
Give us feedback
What do you think about our new website? What is good, what needs to be improved? Please give us feedback, we would truly appreciate it. With feedback, we can continue our customer-focused website development.
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