It is now easier than ever to give feedback – try it in Astia service

We have implemented a new feedback form at the National Archives in order to clarify and enhance the processing of feedback on our online services.
We have implemented a new feedback form at the National Archives in order to clarify and enhance the processing of feedback on our online services.
The form is currently available on Astia, and will later be available on our other services, such as research databases.
You will find it in the "Give feedback" section of each online service. On Astia, this link will always be visible in the top bar, regardless of which page on Astia you are on.
When you submit a feedback form, the form will inform the feedback handler which page (web address) you clicked on to open the form. This can help to resolve the problem if, for example, the digitised material is not displayed correctly.
The old feedback email addresses of the services will be removed with the implementation of the form.
When you select the service and the subject of your feedback on the form, your feedback will be directed to the experts most familiar with the subject. You can submit your feedback anonymously or with your contact information, and you will receive an email with information about the process of dealing with your feedback.
Please note that we do not accept orders for archival material or copies of documents through this form, but it is specifically intended for feedback, bouquets and brickbats, and suggestions for improvement.
Thank you for your feedback in advance!
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